David Icke, The Freedom Road - Based on his books, Biggest Secret, The Truth Shall Set You Free and I am Me, I am Free. Book information from: Amazon
The Biggest Secret
Reveals the story behind global events which shape the future of human existence and the world we leave our children. Both reveals the background to the global conspiracy and offers an inspiring spiritual solution in which every man, woman and child on Planet Earth breaks free from daily programming.
David Icke's most powerful and explosive book so far. Every man, woman and child on the planet is affected by the stunning information that Icke exposes. He reveals in documented detail, how the same interconnecting bloodlines have controlled the planet for thousands of years. How they created all the major religions and suppressed the spiritual and esoteric knowledge that will set humanity free from its mental and emotional prisons.
The Truth Shall Set You Free
Look out Robert Anton Wilson! Either David Icke is competing for the "Paranoid of the Decade" award or he knows something the rest of us don't. Icke reveals a sinister web connecting everything from the British royal family to major oil companies, to 33 of the last 40 U.S. presidents, in a global conspiracy masterminded by an interstellar brotherhood vying for planetary control through the manipulation of humanity's very way of life. Icke digs into every facet of contemporary society to expose the invisible horror lurking beneath the calm veneer of everyday life. In the process he gets downright offensive, knocking everything from Judaism to the Denver airport. Even if you can't swallow Icke's distasteful revelations or follow every step of his labyrinthine conspiracy theories, The Biggest Secret is sure to forever change the way you look at the Amoco oil logo. --Brian Patterson
David Icke, the author of eight books, tours the globe addressing increasingly larger audiences. Many have called him "the most controversial speaker in the world." David was born in Leicester, England in the United Kingdom. He started his career as a professional soccer player until 1973, at age 21, rheumatoid arthritis ended his career. He ventured into journalism and regional television until 1980, when he became a network television news and sports caster until 1990. An experienced environmental campaigner since 1982, Icke has a history of setting up environmental pressure groups. He became the National Spokesman for the British Green Party from 1988 until 1991. While working with the Green Party Icke started to research into issues such as Third World debt, its true causes, and how could be effectively resolved. Icke soon uncovered a disturbing pattern of events and exploitation that was to change the direction of his life forever. As his research progressed Icke left the Green Party and committed himself totally to his research. From 1991 until the present day Icke has become a man with mission. Icke seeks to research and expose the truth about the nature of the human race, how we have been conditioned, the manipulation of the world today, and how we can set ourselves free.
I am Me, I am Free
With humor and powerful insight, David Icke exposes the mental and emotional prisons which billions of people build around themselves - prisons which allow a tiny few to control the direction of the world. He shows how shallow and ridiculous are the fears, guilts, resentments and limitations which blight the lives of humankind, and he offers the key to mental and emotional liberation. Icke also reveals staggering information about the almost unspeakable activities of world famous politicians and 'entertainers'. This devastating expose of the human condition and those who manipulate the human mind is a getaway car for the psyche. It will make you laugh. It will make you think. It will blow your mind. How would you describe this book? Very simply. In one word. FREEDOM "THE OUTSTANDING BOOK OF THE DECADE" Exposure magazine
David Icke, the author of eight books, tours the globe addressing increasingly larger audiences. Many have called him "the most controversial speaker in the world." David was born in Leicester, England in the United Kingdom. He started his career as a professional soccer player until 1973, at age 21, rheumatoid arthritis ended his career. He ventured into journalism and regional television until 1980, when he became a network television news and sports caster until 1990. An experienced environmental campaigner since 1982, Icke has a history of setting up environmental pressure groups. He became the National Spokesman for the British Green Party from 1988 until 1991. While working with the Green Party Icke started to research into issues such as Third World debt, its true causes, and how could be effectively resolved. Icke soon uncovered a disturbing pattern of events and exploitation that was to change the direction of his life forever. As his research progressed Icke left the Green Party and committed himself totally to his research. From 1991 until the present day Icke has become a man with mission. Icke seeks to research and expose the truth about the nature of the human race, how we have been conditioned, the manipulation of the world today, and how we can set ourselves free.
The Freedom Road - Part 1 of 30
Herd Mentality
The Freedom Road - Part 2 of 30
How the few control the many?
The Freedom Road - Part 3 of 30
Knowledge vs Ignorance
The Freedom Road - Part 4 of 30
Ancient Artifacts and Artificial Intelligence
The Freedom Road - Part 5 of 30
Planets and Ancient Civilizations
The Freedom Road - Part 6 of 30
Sun spots or Sun Cycle in Relation to Evolution, Obsession over the Sun, Gold, Lion, Zodiac, The Cross, and other Symbols.
The Freedom Road - Part 7 of 30
Sun Worship, Priory of Sion/Halo/Sun, Bloodlines, Hybrids, and White Race.
The Freedom Road - Part 8 of 30
Grid Lines, Vortex, Phoenicians, and Religion Relationship.
The Freedom Road - Part 9 of 30
Christian Organizations, Knights of Templar, Prison Religion, Satanic Ritual, Scamming People, Scottish Right of Freemasonry, Knights of Christ and Pirates Flag. They have been to America before Columbus. Prince Henry the Navigator had the maps.
The Freedom Road - Part 10 of 30
Christopher Columbus's Name = Dove, Phoenicians to Venetian, The Wahlberg's, King William of Orange, Bank of England, British Empire, Establishing Secret Societies and Leaving Behind The Bloodlines. Rothschild > Oppenheimer > Rockefeller > Windsors
The Freedom Road - Part 11 of 30
British Control Over America, American Presidents (Blood Relation), Hell Fire = Blood Drinking & Sacrificing Rituals, Rhodes Scholar, and Symbolism.
The Freedom Road - Part 12 of 30
Martian Intervention into the Human Race
The Freedom Road - Part 13 of 30
Secret Knowledge, Arches, Street & Building Plans, and Bohemian Groove.
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Owl = Moloc, Reverse Symbolism, Pentagram, and Washington DC Buildings
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Buildings and Symbolism
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Statue of George Washington, Skull & Bones, Russel Trust/Company = Opium, Black & White Squares and Double Squares.
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Double Cross, Maltese Cross, Scepters, Flying Disc, Eagles, and Assassination of Princes Diana and Mohammed Al Fayed.
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Ritualistic Sacrifice, Paris, Goddess Diana, Assassinations Removing The Security Forces, Trauma Base Mind Control, Programming, and Trigger Word.
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Diana's Car Hitting the 13th Pillar in The Tunnel, Pont de l' Alma Tunnel = Passage or Bridge of The Moon Goddess, Sacrificial Site, and Switching off 17 Security Camera.
The Freedom Road - Part 20 of 30
Diana's Grave is on an Island in a Tree Groove with 4 Black Swans on the Lake. A Ritual Assassination. Modern World Control of The Masses, World Government, Microchip Populations (Control of Emotion and Physical Health), World Army, European Union, American Union, Pacific Union, United Nation, Problem, Reaction, and Solution.
The Freedom Road - Part 21 of 30
Second World War = United Nation & European Union, Alien Invasion, and Compartmentalization.
The Freedom Road - Part 22 of 30
Centralization, Political Party, People in Power Pyramid, Health Pyramid, Vaccination, and The Round Table.
The Freedom Road - Part 23 of 30
Bosnia War, Lord Carrington, Lord David Owen, Karl Bilt, Cyrus Vance, Thorvald Stoltenberg, Jimmy Carter, Richard Holbroock, William Perry, Bill Clinton, Rockefeller, Kissinger, and Warren Zimmerman. Media belong to these Round Table Groups.
The Freedom Road - Part 24 of 30
What can we do about it, to bring true freedom? Nature of our true power. We are all that Exists in Every Creation. Chakra System/Vortex, Mental Level, Emotional Level, Spiritual Level ,and Physical Level. Matter, Humanity, we are infinity.
The Freedom Road - Part 25 of 30
Eliminate the Negativity. Fear of other Peoples Judgment. To be who we are not what someone else wants us to be. Connection to Everything. Taking Responsibility. Drawing in Positive Energy Through Experience, Learning and Thought. Focus and Intent.
The Freedom Road - Part 26 of 30
Particles Effects To Sound, Vibrations just like How when we Think a Frequency is Resonated. How Sound Effects Galaxies, Heart Beat, Planets, and other Particles. Auras the Physical Light that are Generated by our Thought or Emotions. Fear the Greatest Block of Evolution.
The Freedom Road - Part 27 of 30
Sync Towards Love is The Key To Evolution. Gregg Brendan Research in DNA. Fear and Love Wave Length. The Manipulation by the Few to Live in Fear. Break from the Prison use the Mind and Imagination to Create a Better World. Power of Astrology.
The Freedom Road - Part 28 of 30
Being Kind to the Self. Evolution Spiral, Awakening, Sun Effects, Resonant of Earth and Human. Open the Heart and Mind. Heart Cycles and Magnetic Field/Pole Changing towards 2012.
The Freedom Road - Part 29 of 30
Unfolding the Truth. Calendar and Time(Greenwich London). Left and Right Brain. Spiritual Journey. New Age Limitation.
The Freedom Road - Part 30 of 30
How to overcome fear? Follow your Intuition, Heart your Intent for a Positive Outcome. Let the Head and Heart come into Sync.
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