Friday, June 12, 2009

What happen in, China, Tiananmen Square 1989?

"Tank man" blocks a column of tanks heading east on Beijing's Chang'an Boulevard (Avenue of Eternal Peace) near Tiananmen Square during the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. This photo was taken from the sixth floor of the Beijing Hotel, about half a mile away, through a 400mm lens.

This photo was taken on June 5, 1989, by Jeff Widener (The Associated Press).

Is is Genocide, Murder, or all Lies, you decide...
Why silence the people, why not have a debate or listen to what these people had to say...
Is that so hard??? Is it wrong to question???

All these young adults wanted, was for the government to listen to them... To have a session to convey their thoughts to the guys running their country...
Yet in the end, they faced the firing squad, soldiers armed to kill, to clear Tiananmen Square...

Inside China- June 4th Tiananmen Square Massacre Part 1 of 2

Inside China- June 4th Tiananmen Square Massacre Part 2 of 2

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