Here is a list of how to say "Cheers !" in 66 languages. The list is compiled by, Morten Larsen, who started compiling the list in 1991. You should try to memories the list, because you’ll never know when you will need to say "Cheers!" in another language.
Language | Cheers ! | Pronunciation | Source |
Albanian | Gëzuar | Géschuar | N |
Arabic | Fisehatak (*) | Fiseh'atak | 3 |
Armenian | Genatsoot ("Life") | Gen-ots-it | 3 |
Azerbaijani | ? | Sorlèchrian | N |
Bahasa ( | Pro | Pro | 3 |
Baluchi ( | Vashi | Vashi | N |
Basque | On egin | On egín | N |
Bulgarian | Na zdrave (*) | Na zdrave | NS |
Catalan ( | Salut | Salut | NS |
Chinese | YAM sing ("drink and win") | YAM....... sing!!! | N |
Chinese | Gan bei ("dry the cup") | Gan bei | NS |
Croatian | Zivjeli (write a small v above the Z) | ? | W |
Czech | Na zdraví (*) | Na zdravi | NS |
Danish | Skål | Skål | NDS |
Dutch (Flemish) | Proost | Prowst | NS |
Egyptian | Bisochtak | Bi'sochtak | N |
English | Cheers | Cheers | NDS |
Esperanto | Je via sano (*) | YEH VEE-ah SAH-no | 3S |
Estonian | (Teie) terviseks (*) | 'Terviseks | N |
Faroese | Skál | Skol | N |
Finnish | Kippis | 'Kippis | NS |
French | (À votre) santé (*) | A votr songté | NDS |
Frisian | Tsjoch | 'tsjo' like 'cho' in 'chocolate', 'ch' like 'j' in Spanish 'Jose', except that 'o' should be more closed like in German or Danish | NS |
Gaelic ( | Sláinte (*) | Slorntche | NS |
Gaelic ( | Slaandjivaa (*) | ? | 3 |
Galician ( | Saúde | ? | W |
Georgian | Vakhtanguri | Vakh-tahn-GOO-ree ('akh' like Bach) | 3 |
German | Prost (beer) | Proost | NS |
Greek | Stin ijiasas | Stin i'jiasas | D |
Greenlandic | Kassutta ("Let our glasses meet") | 'Gasss-udda | N |
Hawaiian | Okole maluna | Å'kålè ma'luna | N |
Hebrew | L'chaim ("To life") | Lè'khayim | NS |
Hungarian | Egészségedre (sing.) (*) | 'Eh-geyss-shey-geh-dreh | 3 |
Icelandic | Skál | Skawl | N |
Interlingua | A vostre sanitate (*) | A 'vostre sani'tate | 3 |
Italian | Cin cin (formal) | Tjin Tjin | NS |
Japanese | Kampai | Kampai | 3D |
Kikuyu ( | Rathima andu atene | Rathima andu atene | 3 |
Korean | Chukbae | 'Chukbae | N |
Latin | Sanitas bona (*) | ? | W |
Latvian | Uz veselibu | Uz vese'libu | N |
Lebanese | Kesak (sing.) | Kesak | N |
Lithuanian | I sueikata | I sueikata | N |
Maltese | Cheers | Cheers | N |
Norwegian | Skål | Skål | NS |
Persian ( | (Be) salam ati (*) | Bè salam ati | NS |
Polish | Na zdrowie (*) | Na zdrowie | NDS |
Portuguese | Saude (*) | Sauth | NS |
Rhaeto-Romanic | Viva | ? | 3 |
Romanian | Noroc ("Good luck") | Noroc | NDS |
Russian | Na zdorovje (*) | Na zda'rovye | NS |
Scottish | Here's tae ye | Here's tae ye | N |
Serbian | Zivio | Zivio | N |
Slovak | Na zdravie (*) | Na zdre'vie | NS |
Slovenian | Na zdravje (*) | ? | W |
Somalian | Auguryo | A-u'gurrjo | N |
South African (Afrikaans) | Gesondheid (*) | Rhe'sondheid | NS |
Spanish | Salud | Salud | NDS |
Swedish | Skål | Skål | NS |
Tagalog | Mabuhay ("Long life") | Ma'buhay | NS |
Thai | Choc-tee | ? | 3 |
Turkish | Serefe (write cedille under S) ("To honor") | Scherefe | NDS |
Urdu ( | Djam | Djam | N |
Vietnamese | Chia | Gia | N |
Welsh | Iechyd da | Iechyd da | 3 |
Yiddish | Mazel tov | ? | 3 |
The toasts marked with (*) can be translated as "To your health" or "To health".
An apostrophe in the pronunciation denotes that the following syllable should be emphasized.
Sources of information:
N = Native speaker,
3 = Through 3rd person (i.e. non-native speaker),
W = Found on web (most likely incorrect),
D = Found by me in dictionary,
S = Spelling confirmed.
From: http://home.worldonline.dk/mortenl/cheers.html
(Morten’s Web Site)