Thursday, July 25, 2013

How and Why Michael Hastings Was Killed/Assassinated

Michael Hastings Biography
Michael Mahon Hastings (January 28, 1980 – June 18, 2013) was an American journalist, writer and reporter for BuzzFeed. Hastings rose to prominence with his coverage of the Iraq War for Newsweek. After his fiancee died in Iraq, he wrote the memoir I Lost My Love in Baghdad: A Modern War Story (2008). His Rolling Stone profile of General Stanley McChrystal, commander of NATO's International Security Assistance Force in the Afghanistan war, documented the widespread contempt of the general and his staff for civilian officials in the US government and resulted in the general's resignation.

Hastings died in a fiery high-speed automobile crash in June 2013 in Los Angeles, California.

Life and career
Born in Malone, New York, Michael was the son of Drs. Molly and Brent Hastings. Hastings has two brothers, Jon and Jeff. Both of his brothers followed their parents in becoming doctors; his younger brother Jeff served 15 months in the Iraq War as a platoon leader and received a Bronze Star for his service. Growing up, Hastings lived in Malone, New York, until he was 11 years old. The family then moved to Montreal, Quebec, where his mother was trained in the field of pediatric ophthalmology at McGill University. When he was 16, his family relocated to Vermont. He attended Rice Memorial High School, a Roman Catholic secondary school in South Burlington. Hastings played lacrosse and soccer, and performed in the school's plays, before graduating in 1998.[ After graduating, Hastings began writing for Scholastic, an educational magazine for young adults.

He attended Connecticut College before earning his Bachelor of Arts in journalism from New York University in 2002.

Hastings was a regular contributor to Gentlemen's Quarterly and a contributing editor at Rolling Stone magazine. From 2002 to 2008, he was a journalist for Newsweek magazine, who was known for his Iraq War coverage and a book about the death of his fiancée Andrea Parhamovich, I Lost My Love in Baghdad: A Modern War Story

Tops stories he wrote: 
Rolling Stone: 18 items by Michael Hastings
Business Insider: 10 Great Stories Michael Hastings Wrote

DARPA Talks About Hacking Cars - Was This Used In Killing Of Michael Hastings? DARPA Talks About Hacking Cars - Was This Used In Killing Of Michael Hastings? Michael Hastings car was speeding 60 miles and hour running a red light seconds before blowing up in flames. Conspiracy theorists have noted that Hastings covered the CIA and otherhigh-powered officials and even received death threats over his journalism.

Michael Hastings Car Hacked and Remotely Driven into a Tree to Murder Him?
Modern cars can be hacked into and their brakes, accelerator, and other functions remotely controlled. Many believe this is what killed journalist Michael Hastings, who was going into hiding after writing about the NSA spying on Americans.

Jeff Rense & Jim Marrs - What Kind Of Insane World Is This?
Clip from June 27, 2013 - guest Jim Marrs on the Jeff Rense Program. Full program available in Archives at

Friday, July 19, 2013

War on drugs in Mexico

How the war on drugs in Mexico began
Since 2006 the Mexican government has been battling cartels in the US-backed war on drugs. Tens of thousands of people, including innocent civilians, gang members, the police and military have been killed in the extremely violent conflict. This first part in a series on the war on drugs in Mexico looks at how the narcotics trade began in the country. 

Check out our debate on whether or not drugs should be legalised:
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How the war on drugs in Mexico began - Part 1 of 2

How the war on drugs in Mexico began - Part 2 of 2

Monday, July 15, 2013

2012, Crop circles, Mayan Calendar, Kali Yuga, Extraterrestrials, Measuring Time, and Psychedelics - Daniel Pinchbeck

In this 2005 talk from Burning Man, Daniel Pinchbeck (author of Breaking Open the Head and 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl) explores the thesis of a "Dimensional Shift", currently underway and culminating in 2012, the end-date of the Mayan Calendar. He discusses crop circles, extraterrestrials, the need for a new measure of time, and much more. Daniel predicts the collapse of the current socioeconomic order in 2008 and discusses what we can look forward to in 2009.

Daniel Pinchbeck is currently Editorial Director of 'Reality Sandwich' ...a web magazine for this time of intense transformation.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Dimensional Shift
Part 1 of 6

Part 2 of 6

Part 3 of 6

Part 4 of 6

Part 5 of 6

Part 6 of 6

Friday, July 12, 2013

Egypt Update - 2013

Published on Jul 10, 2013
Where is Egypt going post-coup? Will the Muslim Brotherhood be allowed to play a role in political life? And, has the concept of democracy been diminished within the Arab-Muslim world? CrossTalking with Zayd Alisa, Geoffrey Ingersoll and Cynthia Schneider.

Watch all CrossTalk shows here: (Sep 2009 - Feb 2011) (Mar 2011 - Jul 2012) (Jul 2012 - current)


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CrossTalk: Egypt Barracks

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Bilderberg Fringe Festival 2013 Full Speeches - David Icke, Alex Jones, Tony Gosling, and Michael Meacher

Every year politicians, royalty and CEO’s meet in secret to discuss the fate of the world. This year, you are all invited!

2013 welcomes the first ever Bilderberg Fringe Festival. Taking place between 7th – 9th June in Watford, the festival is a unique, FREE, event which will nurture dialogue and discourse about Bilderberg in a peaceful, fun environment – alongside a jam-packed weekend of speakers, comedy, music, workshops, arts and entertainment!

Seeking to stimulate hearts and minds and unite the politically conscious, the event will be a positive platform which harmonises fun with enlightened idea exchanges. The Bilderberg Fringe Festival is an unmissable occasion for conscious citizens from all over the world to join together and have a fantastic party.
We are expressing our outrage at this travesty of democracy the only way we know how. By hula-hooping in the sunshine and dancing barefoot in the grass. Except where cows have been.

Where Bilderberg is closed, dark and joyless, we are open, happy and free. They may have better spa facilities, but we have better chai.

The Bilderberg Fringe Festival Mission Statement
We have come together to witness a global event, to hold our leaders to account and to express our dissent through creativity and joy. We aim to create a space that is holistic, positive and inclusive of all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, colour, religion, creed, political association or agenda – just as long as tolerance and non-violence forms part of your politics. We aspire to learn from each other’s differences, whilst appreciating each other’s similarities.

We ask all attendees to make this promise as they enter the site:
“By entering this space I understand and appreciate its ethos. I promise to be respectful of others, their opinions and property. I promise to speak with transparency and honesty, and to listen to others with open-mindedness. I promise to look for the uniqueness in everyone I meet and to treat them with consideration.”
The Bilderberg Fringe Festival is strictly feel-good vibes only!

For more information on the Bilderberg Group and visiting the Grove hotel during their 2013 conference please visit: or kickstart the conversation on our official forum

David Icke at the Bilderberg Festival 2013

Alex Jones at the 2013 Bilderberg Fringe Festival 

Tony Gosling at the 2013 Bilderberg Fringe Festival

Michael Meacher at the 2013 Bilderberg Fringe Festival

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Number 7 - Relationships and Meanings

7 Steps of Alchemy Transformation
 THE word Alchemy is a combination of Al and Chemi — Al, like the Hebrew El, meaning the Mighty Sun, Chemi meaning Fire. As Khem was the name of ancient Egypt, it is commonly supposed that the science of Alchemy originated in the land of the Pharaohs. But actually it was born on the old continent of Atlantis. Egypt was merely the land of its rebirth.
  1. Calcination - Mineral calcium builds up in tissue, causing it to harden
  2. Dissolution - Decomposition into fragments or parts; disintegration.
  3. Separation - The act, condition, or process of separating.
  4. Conjunction - The act or state of joining.
  5. Fermentation - The act or process of breaking into fragments.
  6. Distillation - The evaporation and subsequent collection of a liquid by condensation as a means of purification
  7. Coagulation - The process of changing from a liquid to a gel or solid state by a series of chemical reactions

    7 Steps of Mummification
    1. First they wash the body in palm wine.
    2. Next they cut open the body with a sacred knife.
    3. After that they take out all the organs frin the dead body.
    4. Then they put all the organs into canopic jars.
    5. The next thing they do is let the body dry in natron for 40 days.
    6. The second last step is to stuff the body with linen.
    7. Last but not least they wrap the mummy in linen bandages and out him or her into the casket.


    7 Days in a Week

    7 Colors of on the Rainbow
    Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet

    Earths 7 Layers

    7 Layers of the Earth's Atmosphere
    The Earth's atmosphere contains several different layers that can be defined according to air temperature, the diagram below displays these layers in an average atmosphere.

    Vertical change in average global atmospheric temperature. Variations in the way temperature changes with height indicates the atmosphere is composed of a number of different layers (labeled above). These variations are due to changes in the chemical and physical characteristics of the atmosphere with altitude.

    According to temperature, the atmosphere contains four different layers. The first layer is called the troposphere. The depth of this layer varies from about 8 to 16 kilometers. Greatest depths occur at the tropics where warm temperatures causes vertical expansion of the lower atmosphere. From the tropics to the Earth's polar regions the troposphere becomes gradually thinner. The depth of this layer at the poles is roughly half as thick when compared to the tropics. Average depth of the troposphere is approximately 11 kilometers as displayed above.

    Most of our planet's weather occurs in the troposphere. This image shows a view of this layer from an airplane's window (Photo © 2004 Edward Tsang).

    About 80% of the total mass of the atmosphere is contained in troposphere. It is also the layer where the majority of our weather occurs Maximum air temperature also occurs near the Earth's surface in this layer. With increasing height, air temperature drops uniformly with altitude at a rate of approximately 6.5° Celsius per 1000 meters. This phenomenon is commonly called the Environmental Lapse Rate. At an average temperature of -56.5° Celsius, the top of the troposphere is reached. At the upper edge of the troposphere is a narrow transition zone known as the tropopause.

    Above the tropopause is the stratosphere. This layer extends from an average altitude of 11 to 50 kilometers above the Earth's surface. This stratosphere contains about 19.9% of the total mass found in the atmosphere. Very little weather occurs in the stratosphere. Occasionally, the top portions of thunderstorms breach this layer. The lower portion of the stratosphere is also influenced by the polar jet stream and subtropical jet stream. In the first 9 kilometers of the stratosphere, temperature remains constant with height. A zone with constant temperature in the atmosphere is called an isothermal layer. From an altitude of 20 to 50 kilometers, temperature increases with an increase in altitude. The higher temperatures found in this region of the stratosphere occurs because of a localized concentration of ozone gas molecules. These molecules absorb ultraviolet sunlight creating heat energy that warms the stratosphere. Ozone is primarily found in the atmosphere at varying concentrations between the altitudes of 10 to 50 kilometers. This layer of ozone is also called the ozone layer . The ozone layer is important to organisms at the Earth's surface as it protects them from the harmful effects of the Sun's ultraviolet radiation. Without the ozone layer life could not exist on the Earth's surface.

    Separating the mesosphere from the stratosphere is transition zone called the stratopause. In the mesosphere, the atmosphere reaches its coldest temperatures (about -90° Celsius) at a height of approximately 80 kilometers. At the top of the mesosphere is another transition zone known as the mesopause.

    The last atmospheric layer has an altitude greater than 80 kilometers and is called the thermosphere. Temperatures in this layer can be greater than 1200° C. These high temperatures are generated from the absorption of intense solar radiation by oxygen molecules (O2). While these temperatures seem extreme, the amount of heat energy involved is very small. The amount of heat stored in a substance is controlled in part by its mass. The air in the thermosphere is extremely thin with individual gas molecules being separated from each other by large distances. Consequently, measuring the temperature of thermosphere with a thermometer is a very difficult process. Thermometers measure the temperature of bodies via the movement of heat energy. Normally, this process takes a few minutes for the conductive transfer of kinetic energy from countless molecules in the body of a substance to the expanding liquid inside the thermometer. In the thermosphere, our thermometer would lose more heat energy from radiative emission then what it would gain from making occasional contact with extremely hot gas molecules. 
    Source from: Physical Geography

    7 Layers from Skin to Bone

    Humans have seven layers of fascia starting from the skin down to the bone. Cells group together in the body to form tissues: a collection of similar cells that group together to perform a specialized function. There are 4 primary tissue types in the human body: Epithelial Tissue, Connective Tissue, Muscle tissue, and Nerve Tissue. Source from: JL Fit Kettlebell and Movement Gym

    1. Epithelial Tissue - The cells of epithelial tissue pack tightly together and form continuous sheets that serve as linings in different parts of the body. Epithelial tissue serves as thin layers of lining organs and helping to keep the body's organs separate and protected. Some examples of epithelial tissue are the outer layer of the skin, the inside of the mouth and stomach, and the tissue surrounding the body's organs.
    2. Connective Tissue - There are many types of connective tissue in the body. Connective tissue adds support and structure to the body. Most types of connective tissue contain fibrous strands of the protein collagen that adds strength to connective tissue. Some examples of connective tissue include the inner layers of skin, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bone, and fat tissue. In addition to these more recognizable forms of connective tissue, blood is also considered a form of connective tissue.
    3. Muscle Tissue - Muscle tissue is a specialized tissue that can contract. Muscle tissue contains the specialized proteins actin and myosin that slide past one another and allow movement.
    4. Nerve Tissue - Nerve tissue contains two types of cells: neurons and glial cells. Nerve tissue has the ability to generate and conduct electrical signals in the body. These electrical messages are managed by nerve tissue in the brain and transmitted down the spinal cord to the body.
    5. Cardiac - Cardiac muscle tissue forms the bulk of the walls of the heart. Like skeletal muscle tissue, it is striated (the muscle fibers contain alternating light and dark bands (striations) that are perpendicular to the long axes of the fibers). Unlike skeletal muscle tissue, its contraction is usually not under conscious control (involuntary).
    6. Smooth - Smooth muscle tissue is located in the walls of hollow internal structures such as blood vessels, the stomach, intestines, and urinary bladder. Smooth muscle fibers are usually involuntary (not under conscious control), and they are non-striated (smooth). Smooth muscle tissue, like skeletal and cardiac muscle tissue, can undergo hypertrophy. In addition, certain smooth muscle fibers, such as those in the uterus, retain their capacity for division and can grow by hyperplasia.
    7. Skeletal - Skeletal muscle tissue is named for its location; it's attached to bones. It is also striated. Skeletal muscle tissue can be made to contract or relax by conscious control (voluntary).

      The Heart's Muscle's 7

      The Heart's Muscle's 7 layers are exactly tilted according to the 7 spin axes of the tetrahedron ("Fields of Form"/"Vortex of Life" by Lawrence Edwards, Anthroposophic). The 7 color electrical donut which electrifies the heart has a tilt which programs the primary muscle. This cast a sonic wave shadow of this vortex 'tourbillion' at the center of the heart. The shadows are exactly the elements of symmetry on flatland. The frequencies signatures of which letter SOUNDS, MAKE the shapes of the letters themselves. (Spectrograms of the Hebrew Alphabet, originally by Fred Wolf and Carlos Suares).

      The resultant harmonic tensors are the cardiac rhythmias which program thymus, EEG, DNA and related ladders of emotion/recursion. All of which becomes as the sound shadow of the hearts phonemes on the catchers mit thymus, literally : THE ALPHABET FOR THE HEART. Source from: Caltek

      7 Deadly Sins

      The Seven Chakra's

      Snake and Ladder
      Any version of Snakes and Ladders can be represented exactly as a Markov chain, since from any square the odds of moving to any other square are fixed and independent of any previous game history. The Milton Bradley version of Chutes and Ladders has 100 squares, with 19 chutes and ladders. A player will need an average of 39.6 spins to move from the starting point, which is off the board, to square 100. The game can be won in as few as 7 rolls.

      Very common: pentatonic, hexatonic, heptatonic scales, having five, six, and seven tones respectively.

      Scales in traditional Western music generally consist of seven notes and repeat at the octave. Notes in the commonly used scales are separated by whole and half step intervals of tones and semitones. The harmonic minor scale includes a three-semitone step; the pentatonic includes two of these.

      Western music in the Medieval and Renaissance periods (1100–1600) tends to use the white-note diatonic scale C-D-E-F-G-A-B. Accidentals are rare, and somewhat unsystematically used, often to avoid the tritone.
      Music of the common practice periods (1600–1900) uses three types of scale:
      • The diatonic scale (seven notes)
      • The melodic and harmonic minor scales (seven notes)
      These scales are used in all of their transpositions. The music of this period introduces modulation, which involves systematic changes from one scale to another. Modulation occurs in relatively conventionalized ways. For example, major-mode pieces typically begin in a "tonic" diatonic scale and modulate to the "dominant" scale a fifth above.
      The scale degrees of a heptatonic (7-note) scale can also be named using the terms tonic, supertonic, mediant, subdominant, dominant, submediant, subtonic. If the subtonic is a semitone away from the tonic, then it is usually called the leading-tone (or leading-note); otherwise the leading-tone refers to the raised subtonic. Also commonly used is the (movable do) solfège naming convention in which each scale degree is given a syllable. In the major scale, the solfege syllables are: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So (or Sol), La, Ti (or Si), Do (or Ut).

      In naming the notes of a scale, it is customary that each scale degree be assigned its own letter name: for example, the A diatonic scale is written A - B - C♯ - D - E - F♯ - G♯ rather than A - B - D♭ - D - F♭ - Edouble sharp - G♯. However, it is impossible to do this with scales containing more than seven notes. ~Wikipedia~

      Astrology has come to be thought of as a nonscientific mystical phenomenon. Nonetheless, we feel that Astrology can be seen in scientific, down to earth ways. If you think of space as a sheet of energy and the spheres or planets of the solar system positions on that sheet affecting the whole, you may be able to see how astrology can affect you. When you are born, as you crowned, you exposed your soft spot, which every baby is born with to the astral energies at the heart or center point of an imaginary circle. Around you in this imaginary circle, positioned are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron and the Moon’s North Node. The imaginary circle is divided into twelve segments, which astrologers call houses. To each of these houses is assigned a sun-sign or zodiacal sign. Your ascendant is determined by the sun-sign that is rising on the eastern horizon at the time you were born. The position/house and angles the planets have to each other is energetically unique in the way they affect you. That is why to compose an accurate natal chart, the time and place of birth needs to be known. Each planet exerts certain energies that can affect your life; this is how astrology works. By looking at where the planets are in your natal chart, a horoscope can be erected of trends and influences in your life.
      Astrology, through the Tarot also helps reveal the potential of the individual. No mass horoscope will ever be correct for more than one or two individuals. That is because of sacred geometry, which is determined by the angles between the Earth and other planets.

      The place and time you were born is unique. Even twins do not have exactly the same energies as only one twin emerges at a time. The only case where two people could have exactly the same energies would be when two women give birth in the same building in exact vertical alignment at precisely the same time. Only in this case would the electro-magnetic vibrations of the planets entering the crown of the baby be exactly the same.

      In relating the above, we are in no way saying that everything that happens to you is preordained but rather the happenstances and character traits that you were imprinted with as the random astrological consequences of your incarnation at this time can be overcome or enhanced as the case may be.

      In traditional and modern astrology, the twelve zodiacal or sun-signs are divided into four elements and three modes. The elements are: Earth which is represented by the sun-signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn; Air, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius; Water, Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio and Fire, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

      The best way to understand the modes is by dividing the year into the four seasons, and then each season is divided into three sections, which are called Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. Cardinal signs are those signs that fall in the first third of the four seasons during one of the two equinoxes or the two solstices. They are Aries/spring equinox, Cancer/summer solstice, Libra/autumn.

      The best way to understand the modes is by dividing the year into the four seasons, and then each season is divided into three sections, which are called Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. Cardinal signs are those signs that fall in the first third of the four seasons during one of the two equinoxes or the two solstices. They are Aries/spring equinox, Cancer/summer solstice, Libra/autumnal equinox and Capricorn/winter solstice. Fixed signs fall in the middle or second third of the four seasons, Taurus/spring, Leo/summer, Scorpio/fall and Aquarius/winter. Lastly the Mutable signs are those signs that are the last third of the four seasons. They are Gemini/Spring, Virgo/Summer Sagittarius/Autumn and Pisces/Winter. You will often hear the reference to what is called the Seven Sacred Planets. These were the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. These seven planets were associated by ancient tradition with the seven main chakras of the human body. The ancient tradition listed them as the base/Saturn, sacral/Mars, solar plexus/Jupiter, heart/Sun, throat/Venus, third eye/Moon and crown/Mercury. However, as you will see in the codes this has been changed to base/Saturn, sacral/Venus, solar-plexus/Mars, heart/Sun, throat/Mercury, third eye/Moon and crown/Jupiter. The diagram below shows the traits associated with Seven Sacred Planets, both positive and negative in the seven main chakras. Through astrology we can identify these traits and as we said either overcome them or enhance them as the case may be.


      Traditional chakra positions with the associated positions of the Seven Sacred Planets with their original influences. Updated positions of the ruling influences today, showing what a human being has to overcome to spiritually evolve.

      As the ancients only referred to the Seven Sacred Planets, conventional belief held that the ancients were unaware of the three outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Nonetheless, if the 22 major arcana trumps are arranged according to the Seven Sacred Planets, an interesting “coincidence” emerges.

      Some of you may be familiar with Tarot decks where the Fool is numbered 22. Nonetheless, for the purpose of the codes, we use the Rider-Waite deck, which is the accepted universal or standard deck. This deck numbers the Fool as card zero. Also, in this deck, The Fool represents the planet Uranus and the element Air.

      In addition, the Seven Sacred Planets are assigned to seven cards or trumps of the Tarot’s Major Arcana. They are; Mercury with card 1, The Magician; the Moon with card 2, The High Priestess; Venus with card 3, The Empress; Mars with card 16, The Tower; Jupiter with card 10, The Wheel of Fortune; Saturn with card 21, The World and the Sun with card 19, The Sun. Still this only involves seven of the major arcana trumps, leaving fourteen cards unaccounted for.However, if we divide the remaining trumps according to the zodiac and modern astrology, another result is revealed.

      For instance, because Mercury is the ruler of Gemini, the card, The Lovers, which is numbered 6 is placed beneath The Magician. Modern astrologers state that the recently discovered planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are the higher octaves of the three inner planets, Mercury, Venus and Mars respectively. Uranus is the higher octave to Mercury, consequently two additional trumps fall under Mercury, 0, the Fool, which is as we said assigned to Uranus and 17, the Star, which is assigned to the sun-sign Aquarius, which is ruled by Uranus.

      Column two is headed by The High Priestess, which because this card represents the Moon is joined by card 7, The Chariot that is assigned to Cancer, the sun-sign that is ruled by the Moon.
      Card 3, The Empress heads up the third column, of which four other cards join her, 12,11,5, and 18. This is because Venus rules both Libra and Taurus; consequently, both card 11 Justice, which is assigned to the sun- sign Libra and card 5, The Hierophant, which is assigned to Taurus appears in this column. Furthermore, as the higher octave of Venus, is Neptune, card 12, The Hanged Man, which represents Neptune, is placed here. Also because the zodiacal sign that is assigned to Card 18, The Moon is Pisces, which is ruled by Neptune card 18, is also placed in this column.
      Despite the planet Mars being assigned to card/trump 16, The Tower, because card 4, The Emperor is assigned to the sun-sign Aries, which is ruled by Mars, this trump/card heads column four. As Mars’s higher octave is Pluto, card 13, Death, which is assigned to the sun-sign Scorpio, ruled by Pluto is also consigned to Mars. In addition because another name for card 20, Judgment’s planet Vulcan is Pluto, this card belongs here too.

      Jupiter heads the fifth column and Card 10; The Wheel of Fortune is assigned to this planet. Also as Jupiter rules the sun-sign Sagittarius Card 14, Temperance is also placed in this column.

      Saturn is the planet that characterizes the sixth column and card 21 and The World is designated as the card that represents that planet. Still, 15, The Devil is the trump most associated with Saturn because The Devil is assigned to the sun-sign Capricorn and Saturn rules that sign.

      Finally, card 19, The Sun, which is not surprisingly the Sun’s namesake has card 8, Strength added to it because the Sun rules Leo, which is the sun-sign assigned to Strength.

      Curiously, with this arrangement, if we add the lowest numbered trump under each of the seven planets together we get the sum 1+2+3+10+4+8+15 = 43 4+3 = 7- The Seven Sacred Planets?


      Major Arcana - Rider-Waite © US Games
      The only trump/card that isn’t placed is card number 9, the Hermit, which represents the zodiacal sign Virgo. Before the discovery of Chiron traditional and modern astrology assigned the planet Mercury to Virgo. Today there is great debate among astrologers as to which planet to assign Virgo. This is a moot point for the purpose of the codes as both the planet Chiron and the trump/card the Hermit hold vital clues to determining your spiritual evolution. For our part we think it is important to keep in mind that most people assign Virgo the element earth, which is the Hermit’s element.

      Nevertheless, it can be misleading to assign elements to the outer planets. As we said in traditional astrology Pluto is assigned to Scorpio a water sign, Neptune is consigned to Pisces also a water sign and Uranus is allocated to Aquarius, an air sign. However, if instead of elements we think of the outer planets representing a more refined viscosity of the inner planets’ elements, then we receive yet another level of understanding. For instance Pluto isn’t assigned a trump in the major arcana, because the planet Pluto wasn’t discovered until the twentieth century. Still it is curious to see the card/trump number 20, Judgment in the Rider-Waite deck assigned to the planet Vulcan. Is it a coincidence that the god Pluto is the god Vulcan’s brother? We get our word volcano from the word Vulcan. Within a volcano is “liquid” fire, lava. Water is the symbol for emotions and Scorpio natives are known for their “hot” tempers and passionate natures. Remember Pluto is the higher octave of Mars, which represents fire. If we think of Pluto signifying the boiling emotions then we can understand placing Pluto/Vulcan as the liquid fire and higher octave of Mars.

      Neptune the higher octave of Venus an Earth element would then represent the ectoplasm or etheric substance of the astral plane. According to esoteric tradition, one of the seven bodies of the incarnating personality is the astral body, which through meditation could access the astral plane. The Tarot trump consigned to Pisces, the sign that Neptune rules is card 18, the Moon. As we saw in figure 2, in both the traditional and updated table, the Moon represents the third eye chakra, the chakra that accesses the subconscious and the astral plane.

      Finally as we said, the planet Uranus is assigned to the Fool. As this card represents the fiery breath or Life force, could this be seen as the finer aspect of air, Mercury?

      As the sign that heads up the zodiac used to be Aquarius, the question that begs to be asked is why does modern astrology place Aries in that position? The answer is the astrologers of the Roman era adjusted the zodiac to fit in with their observations. The Roman Empire rose during the Age of Aries, which extended from 2,276 B.C.E. to 136 B.C.E.

      Before the Romans introduced July and August in honor of Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar to the calendar, the year consisted of ten months. That is why the last month of the year is named December, meaning the tenth month. In addition, we owe the names of the planets of the solar system to the Romans, because they renamed the Greek pantheon and assigned a planet to each main god. For instance Zeus became Jupiter and Hermes became Mercury. The Romans placed Aries at the head of the zodiac because in ancient times the year began on the Spring Equinox and as we said, the sign of Aries rose at sunrise during the rise of the Roman Empire. That is why they venerated the god of war, Ares, which they called Mars. Conversely, the Chinese New Year begins in the sign of Aquarius and astrological Chinese writings dates to at least four thousand years ago.

      The above is the exoteric or open explanation for the secret chart; however, it is through the secret chart that the real benefit of the codes is revealed. To explain, the secret chart posits you being born during the seventh month of pregnancy, because it is then that you first become a potential spiritual individual. In other words, placing Aquarius at the start of the zodiac makes the seventh month of pregnancy’s energies the predominant factor.

      Physiologically the baby in the seventh month of pregnancy begins to prepare to separate from the mother for independent existence outside of the womb. The consensus of medical opinion is that it is during the seventh month of pregnancy that the child develops the ability to exist as an individual, gaining body fat and developing the sense of hearing, touch and taste. Despite the need for an incubator, the seventh-month baby’s nervous system is fully capable of operating the vital life functions.

      On a Soul or Spiritual level, it is during the seventh month that the unborn child becomes a separate soul from its mother’s soul. Let us explain, there is natural and there is spiritual life. When the baby is first conceived, this is natural life, with the potential of becoming spiritual life. At this stage, during the first trimester, a soul waiting to be born has to decide whether or not to enter the potential vehicle for the soul. If at this time either termination of the pregnancy or spontaneous miscarriage occurs, this means the soul chose not to incarnate at this time. Should the pregnancy continue, then around the fifth month, usually when the unborn child is first felt through movement, the potential individual begins to work with the mother’s soul developing the baby. As we said, during the seventh month the unborn child becomes a potential individual human being. We say potential, because the soul has not committed to incarnation. Its decision not to incarnate will be seen in late term miscarriage or stillbirth and may even take up to three months as to result in SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). It is through Taoist philosophy, that we may see why this is so, Mr. Jarrett explains that the traditional teaching was that “the seeds of self awareness are sown when the infant receives a name (ming) in the third month of life. One year after conception.”

      It is vital to understand that any child that lives past infancy, has chosen to do so and those that don’t have also made a choice. Of course there are exceptions, suicides for instance do not have the choice whether to incarnate or not because they failed to complete their life span on Earth and need to return to do so. This shouldn’t be seen as a kind of mysterious punishment, but rather a consequence of universal law. We should also state that we are in no way trivializing the loss of a child. On the contrary, our only goal is to help you see the spiritual reason for the gut-wrenching loss and hopefully bring some small comfort to this devastating occurrence.

      So what has this got to do with the Secret Chart? From the spiritual level looking at the astrological influences during the seventh month of pregnancy will reveal hidden spiritual potential and may assist in the fulfillment of destiny. The most relevant aspect to the chart is to reveal the element and Tarot trump connected to you. This is recorded in your personal codes and is fully explained in the summary.

      Because of the need for accuracy, whether or not you were born prematurely either in the seventh or eighth month must also be known. The reason we need to know if you were premature or not is because your secret chart will have to be adjusted accordingly. If you are not sure, comparing the rest of your codes can reveal whether the spiritual influences were prevalent one or two months previous to your birth. A person being born a week or two late does not affect the codes in any way. On the extremely rare occasion of the premature infant being born before the twenty-eighth week and surviving, the secret chart will have to be constructed accordingly, making the sixth month of pregnancy the defining factor for the dominant energies for both the traditional and the secret chart. © 2006 I.D.E.A. Foundation
      • I. ndividual
      • D. ynamic
      • E. ntirety
      • A. ctivation
      • Patience
      • Kindness
      • Humility
      • Altruism
      • Forgiveness
      • Understanding
      • Compassion
      • Objectivity
      • Discernment
      • Impartiality
      • Honesty
      • Curiosity
      • Awareness
      • Wisdom 

      The Chariot (VII)

        The Chariot (VII) is the seventh trump or Major Arcana card in most traditional Tarot decks. It is used in game playing as well as in divination. A powerful, princely figure sits in a swift chariot, pulled usually by two sphinxes or horses. There is often a black and white motif, for example one of the steeds may be black and the other white. The figure may be crowned or helmeted, and is winged in some representations. He or she may hold a sword or wand, or other masculine symbol. The Thoth Tarot deck has the figure controlling four different animals, representing the four elements. Interpretation It has been suggested the square on the charioteer's chest is a representation of the earth tattva. Another view is that the mood of the card may be characterized as that of conquest. It represents a battle that can be won if the Querent has the willpower for it. The battle is usually an external one, with a clear goal and plan of action. Qualities needed to win the battle include self-reliance, righteousness, conviction and plain hard work. The steeds represent powerful forces, internal or external, that can be controlled to achieve the goal. If inverted, the meaning remains the same, but the Querent is in danger of losing the battle due to a lack of control. Associated with this card are the star sign Cancer and the Hebrew letter ח (Ḥet). The Chariot has many allusions to the kabbalistic Ma’asei Merkavah. According to Waite, the figures on the charioteer's shoulders are supposed to be the Urim and Thummim,which were divinatory tools often used by the Israelites for guidance during times of war. Waite describes the charioteer as conquest on all planes — in the mind, in science, in progress, and thus able to reply to the riddles of the sphinx, even though he is not of priesthood, and thus unable to answer to the High Priestess. Mythopoetic approach Structurally, the Chariot follows The Lovers. After the impulse that pulls us out of the Garden, we get on our chariot and depart. At that point, we are the Hero of our own story; maybe the Hero of everyone’s story. That Hero might represent Helios, the Greek god who drives the Sun’s chariot across the sky, bringing light to the earth. The danger of this card is well illustrated by the myth of Phaëton. Among other things, this story illustrates the danger of reaching too high, unprepared. The Chariot is Key Seven of the Major Arcana. In classical astrology, there were seven things that predictably wandered against the fixed stars. Mastering those planets meant mastering the system. The Chariot represents the possibility of traveling through the mysteries of the universe. It also evokes the seven gates of hell that Inanna passed through, required to partially disrobe at each one before finally being presented to the Queen of the Underworld, her own sister, Ereshkigal. Ra from Egyptian mythology piloted the boat of the sun across the sky and back to the gates of dawn down the Nile every night. One night, Apophis, Chaos and Old Night swallowed the river to keep the sun from rising. Fortunately, Ra’s usual enemy, Set, took it upon himself to save the day by slicing Apophis open, allowing Ra to escape. This story bespeaks the reversals of the night, where our deadly enemies may be our best friends. Another famous chariot driver was the god Krishna who in the Bhagavad Gita drove Arjuna’s chariot and gave him illumination. The Chariot is related through cross sums (the sum of the digits) to Key 16, The Tower. Much like the Chariot takes us from our womb, our happy home, our happy village, or our planet, the Tower carries us from either what we have constructed for ourselves, or what has been constructed for us. Some authorities say that he is the God of Spring, the Son of the Queen of Heaven. The canopy of his chariot is her starry gown; he wears the waxing and waning moon on his shoulders; the circle of the Zodiac is his belt. He channels energy from the world above (signified by the eight pointed star on his brow; eight here representing Venus) to the world below (signified by the square on his chest, the four corners of the Earth). The star can also represent the infinite; the square the earthly spheres of time and space. He is fueled by contradictory impulses, represented by the black and white sphinxes that pull his chariot. When this card appears, it evokes the Querent’s own path; calling; exile; or random journey. The danger is getting on the wrong path; being overwhelmed; dying before our due time. He may warn that we are in danger of being pulled to pieces by forces we do not control and/or do not understand. ~Wikipedia~

        The 7 Spiritual Plans (Subtle Bodies)
        here are seven subtle bodies, or layers, around the physical body, which create the auric body system (aura). It is commonly said that these layers are like an onion, and that when you peel one away, you'll reach the next, but this is not true. As you extend inward, the one before is also present within the next aura layer. For example, the outer most body is the causal, or Ketheric body. The next is layer is the celestial body, which contains itself and the causal body. As you go inward, towards the first layer (the etheric) it will be the densest because it holds all seven subtle bodies. And of course, there is the physical body, which is the densest of them all.

        The seven subtle bodies can be broken down as follows: There are three physical plane bodies, three spiritual plane bodies and the astral body, which is the bridge between the lower and higher bodies (some teachings claim that the astral is the fourth in the spiritual bodies). The lower three bodies process energies dealing with the physical plane, whereas the upper three process energies from the spiritual planes. Ịt is said that the energies from the higher planes must pass through the "fire of the heart" - the heart chakra-- to reach and be of full use by the lower bodies.

        Each level of the aura has its own seven chakras, which are nested within the other auric chakras. As each layer extends outwards, the chakras vibrate at higher rates. So the seven chakras within the etheric body will be vibrating at a much lower frequency then the seven chakras within the causal body. So in actuality, the base chakra, for example, will have 7 major chakras, all vibrating at different frequencies. This way, energy can be transmuted between all bodies to all chakras.

        First Layer (The Etheric Body) This is the closest energy body to the physical. It is what is made evident through Kirlian photography. The etheric body extends one quarter to two inches beyond the physical body and pulsates at about 15-20 cycles per minute. The entire body, including organs, can be perceived but it is made of a bluish (emotional) or gray light (highly active).

        Second Layer (The Emotional Body) Since this is the emotional body, it is associated with feelings. It is more fluid in nature, and does not duplicate the body, as does the etheric body. This body is about one to three inches from the physical body. Unlike the etheric body, which is blue or grayish in nature, this is more like colored clouds that change color depending on what kind of emotions the person is going through. Love, joy, excitement, and even anger will result in very brilliant hues, whereas confused emotions will result in muddy tones. This body contains all the colors in the rainbow.

        Third Layer (The Mental Body) With an even more subtle composition, the mental body holds our thoughts and mental processes. It extends three to eight inches from the body, and generally has a yellow light, which radiates around the head and shoulders, and extends to the body below. This yellow will brighten if a person is deep in thought, or concentrating on mental activities. Although the color associated with this body is yellow, other colors are evident if there is an emotion associated with the thought (stemming from the emotional body).

        Fourth Layer (The Astral level) This is the true bridge to the spiritual plane! When we start to work with this plane, and above, our perception and abilities leap from the physical to the subtle. Here we will begin to perceive energies that are not of this vibrational frequency. The body of the astral is composed of gorgeous clouds of color, which extend six inches or one foot from the body. Not only does it have the same colors of the rainbow like the emotional body, but a pink, or rose hue is often present with these colors, especially if the person is a loving one. The astral plane is also called the "emotional" plane, which ties it strongly to the heart chakra and the second subtle body (the emotional body). Because it is so closely tied to the emotions, when people fall in love, great hues of pink can be seen shooting from their heart chakra. This is also why when we are in the astral, our emotions are greatly enhanced either way. When I am with my love in the astral, it is generally free of any lower body emotions, and our love is able to flow, without restriction.

        The Fifth Layer (The Etheric Template Body) This is what you would call a template for the lower template body (the first body referenced). This is the template that exists before the physical body is formed. Although this co-exists in a different dimension, it also extends one and one half to two feet from the body and can only be seen by clairvoyants and very advanced healers. This is an important layer in healing if the lower etheric body becomes disfigured as this is the true building block to the lower etheric. This template has a dark blue hue to it.

        The Sixth Layer (The Celestial Body) This is the spiritual emotional plane where a person will feel things such as bliss, and spiritual ecstasy. When we reach the place of divine love, interconnectedness (generally through deep meditation) we are touching on this plane, which is felt through our celestial body. When we raise our level of awareness, or consciousness, to the sixth level of the aura, we have allowed a connection to happen from the heart chakra and the celestial chakra. Through this, we can love not only our fellow man (the heart chakra) but do so with divine love (celestial chakra). The colors of this body are very soft in nature (pastel) and glow softly from the body.

        The Seventh Layer (The Ketheric Template or Causal Body) This is the mental level of the spiritual plane (whereas the celestial body is the emotional level of the spiritual plane). This body contains all the other bodies within it and extends up to three and a half feet from the body, often in the shape of an egg. Its structure is made of a gold, or silvery-gold, and appears as a grid type structure, which is very durable. It pulsates and vibrates at a very high speed and within this level; we "know" we are one with God. This body also contains the main Kundalini force that runs up and down the body.

        Now while the Ketheric body is the last auric level in the spiritual plane, there are other planes (such as the Cosmic plane) but they do not relate to the aura for they are beyond the aura and a different article entirely! Source from: Spiritual Experience

        There are seven planets, namely: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon. These stars have a movement of their own from west to east, but because the heavens move from east to west, they accidentally move from east to west. And these stars are called wandering stars by astronomers because they have no unique way of moving, as one planet moves in one way and another planet moves in another way, and each one moves within its own sphere    

        1. SATURN is of the complexion of earth, which is signified by C, it is masculine, diurnal, bad, and rules lead and Saturdays. It rules Capricorn and Aquarius and completes its cycle in thirty years, as the Sun completes its cycle in one year. Astronomers attribute many properties to Saturn in accordance with its complexion and their experience of these things, but without offering any proof of these attributes. And I, Raymond, intend to speak of certain properties of Saturn as I investigate them with the principles of my Art. I will also speak of the properties attributed by astronomers to Saturn that seem true to me and make no mention at all of those that hold no truth in my view. And this is the process that I propose to follow for the other planets as well. Saturn is bad because its earthy complexion is bad as compared to air whose sanguine complexion is good since blood is considered a source of life, whereas melancholy is a source of death. And people born under the influence of Saturn are melancholic and grave, or heavy because of the heaviness they hold from water and earth which are naturally heavy and weighty elements. And their heavy nature makes them constant and firm in their proposals and appetites, their gaze is naturally directed earthward and they have a good memory because water is restrictive, stingy and impressionable. And they like fantastic and mathematical imagery. Earth is a thick, dense subject where memorized images can leave a lasting impression; and so melancholic people are disposed to acquire vast scientific knowledge through the multiplication of many imaginary species. Also, they are of a suspicious nature and rely much on their imagination that agrees more with melancholy than with any other complexion. The reason why melancholy has a greater concordance with earth than with any other complexion is that the imagination considers measures, lines, figures and colors which can best be imprinted on water and earth whose matter is denser and thicker than the matter of fire and air. As Saturn is of the dry and cold earthy complexion, people born under Saturn are naturally disposed to work hard and build large structures. Also, they naturally have more appetite for occupying positions closer to water and earth, than to air and fire. All the above properties, and many more, belong to people purely and simply influenced by Saturn: but if some other planet or planets contrary to Saturn are in the same sign with it, then the native's saturnian nature is altered along with its conditions by the planets that are in the same sign with it. And we intend to speak in brief about such natural conditions, considering both the ancient opinions and the principles of the General Table. However we do not intend to go deeply into these matters just now, because we have not yet described the properties of the other planets.    

        2. JUPITER is of the moist and warm airy complexion, it is a good planet and rules tin and Thursdays. It rules Sagittarius and Pisces and completes it cycle in twelve years in the same way that the Sun runs its course in one year, it is masculine and diurnal. As air and earth are opposed through dryness and cold opposing the moisture and heat of air, Jupiter natives must have conditions contrary to those of the saturnians. And thus we should not really need to describe the properties of Jupiter as they can be deduced from what we said about Saturn. Nonetheless we may as well say a few things about some of the conditions that people derive from Jupiter. Jupiter is moist and warm, not in itself, but rather because it gives moisture and heat as it sheds its influence on things below. And it rules blood, which is naturally moist and warm. And people born under Jupiter must be of a happy disposition, because human life is more consistent with moisture and warmth. They must also be generous, because fire is generous inasmuch as it spreads and divides things out in parts, and air is filling, and more convertible than any other element. This is why sanguine people do not dread poverty or shortage; they are also naturally vainglorious and love honor more than others do, because they have a nobler complexion. And by their natural appetite for good, more than others they love to procreate, to have children and to multiply the human species. They are naturally more law abiding than others and put more trust in general human nature than others do. They are not detractors, and speak no ill of others. And they share their knowledge more generously than other people would, as they are of a more loving nature than other people are by reason of the liberality of fire and the abundance of air. A sanguine person born under Jupiter without the conjunction of any other planet must naturally have a fertile imagination, replete with an abundance of air. And for this reason a sanguine person collects fertile and gross species in the imagination, in the same way that a choleric person collects thin and subtle ones; for as water restricts them, so does fire spread them out, and as earth dries them, so does air fill them with moisture. And we say these things to compare two different kinds of imagination, saturnian and jovial . And thus the scientific thinking habits of Jupiter natives give them a law abiding approach to a science that is tangible and easy to understand, for a sanguine person does not naturally keep secrets. However, the imaginative organ of their scientific thinking habit is not as stable as the organ that produces the mode of scientific thinking habitually adopted by saturnians. And this is because the substance of their imagination is soft, as compared to the hard and dry choleric type. And so it is said that natives of Jupiter learn and understand things more easily than saturnian people do, but forget things more quickly than a melancholic person would. Jupiter natives naturally like to hold positions germane to the complexion and other properties of Jupiter: butchers, hunters, fishermen and men-at-arms who cause bloodshed by injuring or killing others, weavers who consider the warmth, color and softness of textiles; or innkeepers who consider wine for its exhilarating quality, and also painters who consider beautiful pictures; and people who consider beautiful clothes and ornaments and beautiful new buildings. Thus, sanguine people are more apt than others to discover new fashions and modes whereas melancholic people stand more firmly by old customs and habits which they prefer to new ones.    

        3. MARS is of the complexion of fire which is hot and dry, it is masculine, diurnal and bad, it rules iron, Tuesdays, Aries and Scorpio and runs its course in two years. Because Mars is of the fiery complexion and as fire is an element that burns up and consumes individual elemented bodies, astronomers say that Mars is bad; and so they say that natives of Mars are evil, warlike and contentious because of their choleric nature. And they are light in character, as fire is light and consumes the gross, heavy matter of earth and thins out the dense form of earth. It is said that some choleric people do not live long because the matter of earth in them is small and very dry and heat has no sustenance in it: like burnt coal whose matter has been reduced to ashes. However, choleric persons who survive their youth naturally live to a ripe old age because earthy matter becomes more dense and full through its concordance with water giving it cold against the heat of fire. And because water agrees with air through moisture, it gives moisture to earth to offset its great dryness; and when earth in the choleric person is naturally gross and heavy and full, fire cannot consume it with heat, nor can air destroy it with moisture opposed to dryness. Such choleric people can outlive others, because their digestion iis good due to the great heat of fire and the full, stably founded and tempered nature of their earth. As people born under Mars are choleric on account of Mars, so astronomers say that they have an appetite and a liking for conditions pertaining to Mars. And because fire is more mobile than any other element, the choleric type gets angry sooner and more vehemently than others, but this anger does not last because fire consumes it and the dried out earth in the choleric is quickly consumed by the great heat of fire. And they also say that that a choleric person is prompt to agree or to disagree without any deliberation, and quickly accepts things as they are and quickly tires out and is inconstant and two-faced. And this naturally occurs on account of a great movement of fire amplified in this person by Mars with its nature through choler, in the same way that the Sun increases the heat of fire with its light in summertime and by day. Mars native are subtle, learn quickly, but do not naturally have a good memory and can forget things just as readily as they can understand them and love them; and this happens because their imagination is too dry, dried up by the excessive heat of fire. And so the fantastic images and species that they accept have no foundation and moreover, because of the great movement of choler and the nature of Mars, as the intellect transmits its species to memory, it transmits them abruptly, and abruptly wants to retrieve them because it has a great appetite for acquiring and multiplying more and more species. And the memory, through this kind of sudden movement, has no orderly deliberation for recording, conserving and retrieving old species, and is made infirm by the excessive abundance of choler and of Mars. And the same applies to their imagination, which has no deliberation in imagining the figures and the habitual dispositions of corporeal substances. And the same follows regarding the nature of the body, as the choleric person runs about more than others, and faster, and tires out more quickly, because through this great movement the cold complexion in earth is quickly consumed as well as the moist complexion in water. People born under Mars have a fiery appetite that inclines them to become blacksmiths, they like iron, as iron is dry on account of earth; and they naturally like to deal out hammer blows, to strike out with swords, clubs and arrows. And so they become blacksmiths, carpenters, tailors and warriors, due to Mars and to choler. Also, the nature of Mars makes of them players of brass and wind instruments, forcefully blowing air, because thay can blow more wind from the mouth than others can, being more empty inside and less fleshed out than others. Also, choleric persons prefer to deal with objects of the fiery complexion, and the same applies to the various functions they might occupy. Further, choleric people have a greater appetite for hot and dry foods than for cold and moist ones, and a greater affinity for yellow orange colors than for other colors, and likes to wear long clothing, to hunt, use swords, knives and other similar things that pertain to the nature of fire. Also, choleric people dream more than others do, but their dreams are shorter, and more quickly forgotten. They naturally dream in a way that suits the nature of Mars and of fire. Following what we have said about Mars and its fiery complexion, we can speak of Mars as a masculine and nocturnal planet, with its own day and its signs entirely in terms of the conditions it derives from fire, which is its general instrument for transmitting its virtue to several different species, in the same way as a hammer is the blacksmith's general instrument for making knives, swords, nails, and other such things. And the same process applies to other planets, following the conditions they derive from the complexions of other elements.    

        4.THE SUN is hot and dry, of a fiery complexion, masculine and diurnal. It rules gold, and Sundays. And it is neutral, in the sense that it is good on account of heat and bad on account of dryness because it causes generation through heat and corruption through dryness. It rules Leo and runs its course in one year. The Sun and Mars are both of the same fiery complexion, and thus we can say the same things about the Sun as about Mars. But the Sun has some intense characteristics that Mars does not have and the same can be said about people of the solar type who have certain characteristics pertinent to the solar influence that natives of Mars do not have through the influence of Mars. The Sun is the greatest star in the sky with greater power over fire than any other star. The Sun rules the day and as day is better than night, so the Sun is a good star, bringing joy, beauty and daylight. The Sun is good because it consumes the gross and viscous vapors that shroud the earth by night, such as mist, heavy air and gross humors. The Sun is also good, because it brings daylight during which men can provide for their needs better than at night. And the Sun is good because it purifies places and consumes the corruption in the night air. And the Sun is good as it brings on summer when fruit and grain ripens and the Sun is good, as it is instrumental in harvesting the fruit of herbs and plants. Moreover, the Sun is good on account of many other properties too long to enumerate. And, as the Sun has so many good conditions and properties, astronomers say that its goodness does not reside as much in its hot and dry qualities as in the purpose for which it was created, and this purpose is to light up the day, to bring on summer and to ripen fruit. However, it is bad with excessive heat and drought because its choler produces more searing heat than does Mars, as it is a larger star. More people die in summer than at any other time and this is why astronomers say, as I also believe, that the Sun is the star that can produce both the greatest good and the greatest evil in things here below. It can produce the greatest good with its heat and the purpose for which it was created; and it wreaks the greatest evil with its dryness by drying up moisture in humans. For this reason, solar natives are naturally better in one way, and in another way worse than those born under the influence of some other planet. People who are naturally well influenced by the Sun in the way described above want to be kings, bailiffs, judges, and public persons, so they might do much good; and they desire to occupy that kind of position because the Sun is the most common or public of all the planets in the sky, on account of the size of its corporeal substance, its light, movement and purpose. And so people born under the Sun's influence have more appetite for rising to positions of honor and power than other people and they crave all the things and all the functions that can help their ascent. As for instance, a peasant born under the influence of the Sun may crave to become a merchant and then a bailiff or town councilor, next, a judge or a military officer and so on up to the rank of a count or even a king. But as the Sun is effectively somewhat conditioned by earth, it is bad because of Mars and Saturn. So, natives of the Sun, when evil, are worse in their evil than others because just as their goodness and warmth give them a greater craving for the common good than others have, so also through their evil dryness, they have greater appetite for evildoing than others. Natives of the Sun are attracted to science and to virtue in the same way that the Sun is neutral through heat and dryness, good and evil. And so these people have one habit of scientific thinking as they incline to goodness and warmth and a different habit of scientific thinking is adopted by those who crave for science while dryness motivates them to do evil. And so, good choleric people develop good scientific habits, seek out the truth with a good intention and love the truth that they discover and agree with the teacher who taught it to them; and they have an immediate appetite for communicating this truth, or for learning even more. And people of this kind are positive, learn more than others and raise fewer objections. But natives of the Sun who are evil on account of dryness are subject to earth and to melancholy and raise many objections and more promptly deny than affirm the truth, in their iniquity they refuse to concede the truth even though they understand it they do not want to show it; they are basically scoffers and scorners. They also learn very little, sad and puffed up with pride, inasmuch as they are opposed to the good purpose of the Sun and of the sciences. Further, the subject of their imagination is overly dried up by dryness, anger, sadness and by the great vehemence with which they speak; also, speaking out against their own conscience dries them up physically inasmuch as it oppresses their intellect and their will, because they will not confess the truth. Such people have little virtue in their memory, intellect and imagination and they willingly harbor great vices. Besides, they greatly crave to rise to the top and acquire great wealth through deceit and treachery; these people are evil and false.    

        5. VENUS is of the complexion of water which is cold and moist, it is a feminine and nocturnal planet, it rules copper and Fridays as well as the signs of Taurus and Libra. Astronomers say that Venus is a good planet because it offsets the malice of Saturn through the opposition of moisture and dryness and it offsets the malice of Mars in the same way. And Venus is a good planet near to the Sun, which is good with its heat as we said in the chapter about the Sun. Venus is also good because with its coldness it tempers the great influence of heat sent down from the Sun to things below and it is good because it rules over compound waters, whence issue rain, streams, fountains, and rivers on which plants and animals can live. Astronomers say that natives of Venus have a natural instinct and appetite for conditions pertaining to Venus. And so they are temperately phlegmatic as Venus does not have as intense a watery complexion as does the Moon because its proximity to the Sun tones it down. And because the Sun lights up the air, Venus has more intense virtue through moisture than through dryness, hence they say that natives of Venus have a better complexion than natives of the Moon. Water with its moisture and cold occasions growth in herbs, plants and animals and human bodies grow to fullness due to a temperate presence of air. So, they say that Venus occasions lust, pollution and floods of water. And as lust is a natural pleasure enjoyed with laughter, song, and instruments, they say that natives of Venus are actors and comedians, composers of songs and inventors of instruments, lovers of all kinds of occupations that deal with the pleasures of sex, like barbers shaving beards, and hairdressers arranging heads of hair, and laundrymen washing sheets, and painters painting pictures on the walls etc. as for instance, organizers and performers of dances and games at weddings and festivals. Venus is a planet that engages people in idle pursuits and makes them deviate from the real purpose of bodily things, for they have an instinct and an appetite for simply being "somebody", that motivates them to attend to external appearances and to vanity. Also, Venus gets women more excited about beauty and ornaments, than about goodness. And this is due to its watery nature with its appetite for facial lotions, hand lotions, clean sheets, clean homes, clothing and attractive colors.  

        6. MERCURY is a neutral, masculine and diurnal planet, quicksilver is its metal and Wednesday is its day and it rules the signs of Gemini and Virgo. It is considered as a neutral planet because it runs its course in one year with Venus and has no specific complexion of its own. And the astronomers assert this because there must be an instrument with which the influences of the signs and planets above can be converted, and Mercury transmits this influence to the Moon that relays it to the natural instincts and appetites of the elements and of elemented things. And there must be a planet like this among the heavenly bodies to transmit their influence in an organized way to things below which means any planets whose influence is stronger either because of the signs they occupies or on their own account, have Mercury as the subject that converts their influence. This means that the influence of Mercury is more fortunate and brings greater good fortune to its natives because of this conversion of influences from above performed in Mercury. For instance as in pepper, in which the virtues of the elements are converted to the purpose and intention of fire, and in squash or pumpkins to the purpose of water, and the same with the other elements. Some say that Mercury is hot and dry, and because it is close to Venus and the Moon, it tempers the abundance of moisture and cold coming from Venus and the Moon. And this would be an obvious enough reason, were it not for the natural conversion required by celestial nature. It would be more plausible for Mercury to have an airy complexion which is more easily converted than a fiery complexion that consumes and generates things and is less convertible on account of the considerable virtue of its heat and of the hardness of earth that gives it dryness. Mercury can be greatly converted and altered and thus its natives follow suit with their natural instinct and appetite, as they say one thing now and change their mind a minute later, affirm and deny things rather hastily, get involved in every kind of occupation and science and are less firm and constant than most. And this is why astronomers say that women born under Mercury are seldom chaste. They also say that mercurial merchants do more selling and buying than others and are more often seized by an appetite to eat, to drink, to laugh and to cry. The same applies to other similar things, as mercurians go through frequent alternating phases of gain and loss, health and illness, generosity and avarice, obesity and thinness, friendship and enmity, daring and tepidity, these people are quick to understand or misunderstand, and remember things or forget them. And they go through all these kinds of changes because of their natural affinity with Mercury in which the influence of the heavenly bodies is converted. Thus, mercurial people are better organized than others when their Mercury is good, and more disorganized than most when it is bad.    

        7. THE MOON is of the complexion of water which is cold and moist and it is both good and bad, feminine and nocturnal; silver is its metal and its day is Monday, it rules Cancer, and runs its course in twenty seven days and eight hours. The reason why astronomers say that the Moon is both good and bad is mainly because it receives and collects in its sphere the influences coming from the bodies above it, in the same way that summer brings fruit and trees to maturity. And when the Moon sheds a good influence on lower bodies it is good, as the waning Moon is good for pruning trees and vines; and to the contrary, the new moon is bad for epileptics. Also, the Moon is considered bad when falcons refuse to hunt, and said to be good, when they are willing to hunt. Also, the Moon is bad, in which wheat that has been sown comes up as grass, and the same when barley comes up as oats. Also, the Moon is said to be bad when women suffer menstrual periods; the Moon is also sometimes bad for things such as bloodletting, navigation, and other similar things as for instance, the Moon at a time when the weather turns to wind and rain. The waning Moon is bad when crayfish are empty. And so they say that the Moon is good in one way and bad in another way. And the natural properties of the Moon that we mention are not formally its own, but it transmits them into the sphere of fire and into the elements in accordance with the instincts and appetites of the elements and of elemented bodies and it relays them in the same way as it formally receives them from the signs and from the other planets above it. They also say that the Moon is bad because it causes phlegm that is moist, cold and a bad complexion that makes people excessively gross, dense, obese, slow witted and slow moving and impels them to excessive sleeping, spitting and coughing. Astronomers also say that the Moon is bad because it does not give as good an appetite to eat, nor does it allow the tastes and smells of food to be appreciated as well as the other planets do. Further, astronomers say that the Moon is bad because it is nocturnal and night is not as good as day because the night air is heavy and viscous. And the Moon is good when it gives light by night. And there are many other similar conditions where the Moon is good in one way, and bad in another way. On account of the bad characteristics of the Moon, its natives are naturally bad and their bad nature can be recognized and described by referring to what was said about the Sun, as it has a complexion opposite to the Moon's complexion. As the Sun causes summer by increasing the heat of fire, an element similar to the Sun on account of its light, so does the Moon cause winter by increasing the cold of water which is similar to the Moon in whiteness. And so the Moon is a planet in which the color of water is converted into many colors as when water receives a red color from wine and blood mixed with it, and a black color from ink and green from herbs and so on for the other colors. Hence, they say that as Mercury has a natural role in converting the influences from above, likewise in the Moon the color of water is converted into many colors. The Moon attracts the natural instincts and appetites of its natives to its own natural sphere in the same way that it naturally attracts watery nature to its own natural sphere because in itself and in its own sphere it can relay influence transmitted from the planets and the signs above to the sphere of water. And this is why lunar people engage in occupations with an affinity for cold and moisture and for the Moon's feminine and nocturnal character: fishermen, launderers, bath house attendants, gardeners who water plants, millers and mariners. And the same applies to other similar occupations for which lunar natives have a natural appetite. More than any other planet, the Moon has a function of filling and emptying things and this is because water has gross matter and is restrictive, closing up pores and blocking the exit of vapors. And air, which is the filling element, needs empty space and cannot stand overcrowding like a man who has had too much to eat and drink vomits through his mouth the food he ate and the wine he drank. And once the Moon has evacuated the substances it influences here below, it has an appetite for filling them up again because water, being greedy, needs this and air also needs this because it wants to fill things. And the same applies to the natural properties of the Moon related to sunlight as the Sun gives the Moon more or less light at different times, causing it to wax and wane. Astronomers also say that the Moon sometimes swells the western part of the sea, and sometimes it swells the eastern part of the sea, and that while swelling one part, it empties the other; and it acts in the same way upon fountains and wells and on the blood of animals and on their natural instincts and appetites. As they say that the Moon receives, in the dark part of its face, influences of black, green, and blue colors in a confused mixture of gross matter and in the other part, where there is no dark shadow, it receives influences of a white, transparent, lucid and intense color; and in whatever place it receives these influences transmitted to it from bodies above, it relays the same to natural elemental instincts and appetites and to their subjects such as plants, herbs, animals and fountains, and whenever these things suffer from great heat and drought, they have an appetite for rain and for the virtue of the Moon to provide them with rain. And the same applies to other similar things, too long to enumerate here and that can be discovered through the General Art for all sciences. We have described the planets and signs with their conditions and natural properties and the things that we have said indicate how judgments are made by mixing and combining the natural conditions of the different planets and discoursing through the houses of heaven to see which house or planet is stronger in the combination at hand as questions are put, or as a birth takes place and we will deal more thoroughly with this matter in the third part of this treatise. We have dealt with the first part of the principles of astronomy; now we intend to treat of the second part which contains my opinion, proved true by the principles of my General Table with which we will investigate the secrets and natural properties of the signs and planets.

         The Enneagram a Lecture by Gurdjieff Source from: Katinka Hesselink
        Figure 8. The Enneagram Numbers
        Figure 8 enclosed in the circle and try to find the law of its structure. To that end I will remind you that the laws of unity are reflected in all phenomena. The so-called decimal system of calculation in vogue with us, is in its profoundest principles only very very imperfectly known to us in the theory of numbers that is built upon the basis of these eternal laws. Taking the unit, just as we have done here, as the symbol of the existence of the whole octave in one note, we must, in order to secure a passage from one tone of this octave to another, split up the unit into 7 parts. I make the reserve that what we understand by the unit shall here in its symbolical meaning correspond to the "nought" of the symbol under consideration. Now, in order to get say the distance of any one of the tones from the primary tone, we must take the corresponding number of seventh parts of the unit, that is, 2/7, 3/7, and so forth. Let us work all these parts out as decimal fractions which are based on the same laws as the whole of our decimal system of reckoning. There is this series:
        0 equals 1.
        1 / 7 = 0.142857
        2 / 7 = 0.285714
        3 / 7 = 0.428571
        4 / 7 = 0.571428
        5 / 7 = 0.714285
        6 / 7 = 0.857142
        7 / 7 = 0.999999
        In contemplating this series you will at once notice that the period of these functions, except in the case of the last one, is made up of the same numbers running in a definite sequence, and by knowing the initial number of the period you can immediately re-establish the whole period in full. But if we dispose them in a circle in their natural sequence, after linking them up by a closed broken line, we shall get a certain figure. If all 9 numbers are arranged in a circle in their natural sequence as we did in the symbol under consideration, the closed line of the period of the denominator 7 gives us the interior figure or the symbol. According to this figure, by merely taking the direction of its structure as a guide, we shall establish the period in full in every separate instance. The unit "Do", or seven-sevenths, is symbolized by the point 9. The numbers 3 and 6 also enter into the period, which in conjunction with 9 will give the independent triangle - the free ternary of the symbol. I may remark briefly that if we use the theosophical addition, that is, by taking the sum of the ciphers of the period, we shall get 9 (1+4+2+8+5+7=27 and 2+7=9), that is, a whole unit in correspondence with our symbol, that is, in each note we shall again find a whole octave, subject within itself to the same laws as the primary octave, of which the tone under consideration is a part. If you will now recall what was said by me about the sequence of the stages of the process of the formation of the octave and will connect it up with the manner in which we constructed the figure of the symbol with the aid of the numbers of the period, you will mark the places of the tones on the symbol and get a sketch of the octave in this form:
        Figure 9. The Enneagram Tones
        That is how the matter stands as regards the outside geometrical structure of the symbol. Its form is pre-determined by the fact that it serves to express the law of the 7 whereon the octave is built. It is septimal relative to the tone "Do", that is, in a certain sense the tone "Do" may be considered neutralizing. When it was a question here of applying the laws of the octaves to the structure of the chemical elements, every substance derived on the basis of laws was symbolically termed a "hydrogen" of various gradations of density and other qualities which went to define it as a substance. By the law of the 3, it was built up from active, passive, and neutral substances correspondingly termed "oxygen", "carbon", and "azote" (or "nitrogen"), that is, the following structure was obtained:
        C+O+ N > H
        Multiples of these fractions exhibit cyclic permutation:
        1/7 = 0.142857 142857…
        2/7 = 0.285714 285714…
        3/7 = 0.428571 428571…
        4/7 = 0.571428 571428…
        5/7 = 0.714285 714285…
        6/7 = 0.857142 857142….


        The Navagraha - the 7 Celestial Bodies
        Navagraha represents the nine celestial influence's in Vedic Astrology. The seven days are named after the seven celestial bodies of our solar system - the Sun, Moon and the planets. Apart from these, mention should be made here of Rahu and Ketu, the two nodes of the Moon - the north and the south, the points of intersection of the paths of the Moon and the Sun. Lunar eclipses occur when the Moon and the Sun are at Rahu or Ketu. So, Navagraha comprises of:
        1. Surya (Sun)
        2. Chandra (Moon)
        3. Mangala (Mars)
        4. Budha (Murcury)
        5. Brihaspati (Jupiter)
        6. Shukra (Venus)
        7. Shani (Saturn)
        8. Rahu (Eclipse)
        9. Ketu Eclipse)

        Seven Archangels 

        The earliest reference to a system of seven archangels as a group appears to be in Enoch I (the Book of Enoch) which is not part of the Jewish Canon, where they are named as:
        1. Michael
        2. Gabriel
        3. Raphael
        4. Uriel
        5. Raguel
        6. Remiel
        7. Saraqael

        7 Degrees of the Occult Order / 7 Levels of Advancement
        - If you have more information about this please feel free to comment or drop me an email