Fall Of The Republic documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the US economy by design. Leaders are now declaring that world government has arrived and that the dollar will be replaced by a new global currency.
President Obama has brazenly violated Article 1 Section 9 of the US Constitution by seating himself at the head of United Nations' Security Council, thus becoming the first US president to chair the world body.
A scientific dictatorship is in its final stages of completion, and laws protecting basic human rights are being abolished worldwide; an iron curtain of high-tech tyranny is now descending over the planet.
A worldwide regime controlled by an unelected corporate elite is implementing a planetary carbon tax system that will dominate all human activity and establish a system of neo-feudal slavery.
The image makers have carefully packaged Obama as the world's savior; he is the Trojan Horse manufactured to pacify the people just long enough for the globalists to complete their master plan.
This film reveals the architecture of the New World Order and what the power elite have in store for humanity. More importantly it communicates how We The People can retake control of our government, turn the criminal tide and bring the tyrants to justice. A film by Alex Jones.
Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama boldly lifts the lid and unveils the fraud behind Brand Obama and how the globalists are using their newest, and slickest ever puppet to destroy the last vestiges of America’s freedom, Constitution and economy, all while helping the bankers loot the country clean.
The film exposes the agenda that Obama was put in place to accomplish, a world government allied with a bank of the world run by globalist eugenicists hell-bent on destroying America’s first world status and replacing it with a hollow shell of tyranny.
The mind control, the television programming, and all the media talking points that serve to reinforce the image of
Brand Obama are laid bare, unveiling the naked ruth, as legendary author and documentary film maker
John Pilger recently discussed, that Obama is nothing more than a corporate marketing creation, a skilled hypnotist using seductive tools of propaganda – race, gender and class – to hoodwink the masses into accepting his rhetoric while ignoring the contradiction of his actions.
The film exposes how Brand Obama says one thing – to make people buy into the brand – and then the real Obama does another.
The burgeoning police state, warrantless wiretapping, secret arrests, indefinite detention of citizens, torture, the war in Afghanistan, the war in Pakistan, have all been expanded under Brand Obama despite his promises to reverse them all.
The real question to ask is not which class Obama claims to represent or fight for, but which class Obama serves. Fall of the Republic leaves no room for doubt that the class Obama serves is the elite and it is their agenda he is diligently following.
[efoods]In terms of focused research and factual content, Fall of the Republic dominates even The Obama Deception for hardcore evidence and documented material. The film proves how Obama was put in power to cement the gains of tyranny and oppression achieved under Bush while the masses slept, lulled into a deep hypnosis with empty promises of change, hope and progress.
The movie picks up from where The Obama Deception left off, highlighting how Obama has continued and expanded the socialized financial takeover introduced by Bush and how the bankster gangster cronies have made off with trillions in taxpayer’s money, bankrupting the future of the country for generations to come.
The hypocrisy and underlying deceit of people like Al Gore, John P. Holdren and Obama himself are displayed in plain view as the cap and trade hoax is demolished and revealed to be nothing less than a total takeover of the American economy, its infrastructure, and a mandate to micromanage every aspect of every citizen’s private life.
Obama’s role in converting American from a free market, free Republic, to a command and control state-run oligarchy controlled by offshore banking interests is explored at length in the documentary.
In order to make this the most hard-hitting documentary we have ever released, the biggest budget ever allocated to a single movie was made available, primarily for the purpose of traveling all over the country to conduct no less than 19 separate sit down interviews for the film.
Personalities who will appear in the movie include Gerald Celente, Alan Watt, Jesse Ventura, climatologist Tim Ball, economist John Perkins, the Oath Keepers, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, Webster Tarpley, Bob Bowman, Wayne Madsen and George Humphrey.
Fall of the Republic is an unprecedented two hour romp through the highly concentrated and brazen levels of tyranny and corruption displayed by Obama and his administration in the short period since they took office.
The end of the movie is encapsulated by the idea that the fight to maintain and restore a free Republic is a constant struggle against those who harbor the virus of evil in their souls.
The documentary is fact-filled with readily verifiable documentation presented to the viewer. Mr. Jones is joined in this analysis with political and economic experts:
- Gerald Celante: leading trend forecaster.
- Dr. Bob Bowman: former Director of Advanced Space Programs Development for the US Air Force in the Ford and Carter administrations. Mr. Bowman has a Ph.D in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Cal Tech.
- Dr. William K. Black: professor of economics and law, author. Mr. Black was one of the government’s lead investigators and writers for the Savings and Loan scandal.
- Dr. Francis Boyle: Professor of law and author.
- Governor Jesse Ventura: former governor of Minnesota and author.
- John Perkins: economist and best-selling author.
- Dr. Tim Ball: professor of climatology, author, lecturer.
- Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: physician, researcher, best-selling author, lecturer.
- Max Keiser: finance analyst and journalist.
- Webster Tarpley: leading counter-government author and lecturer.
- Alan Watt: author.
- Wayne Madsen: a counter-government investigative reporter.
- G. Edward Griffin: leading author on the Federal Reserve and counter-government information (and here)
- George Humphrey: economist and author.
- Numerous members of the US Congress and Senate
As we originally noted and has been mentioned by a number of electronic image experts, one of the most glaring details demonstrating Obama's purported birth certificate is a fraud is the presence of digital artifacts.
Digital images often contain unwanted information known as artifacts. In the blow up below of Obama's supposed birth certificate, we can see digital artifacts as areas of white outlining text and graphical elements on the page. I brought a capture of the original PDF into Photoshop and enlarged it and increased the contrast in order to show the artifacts.
Artifacts are created as the result of lossy compression techniques. So-called "lossy" compression is a data encoding method which compresses data by discarding or losing some of it in order to reduce image file size.
Alternately, the white areas may be the result of a sloppy effort to eliminate a white background on the scanned image of the certificate and drop it over the green textured background. In Photoshop and similar image editing programs, it is possible to select areas based on color or contrast and eliminate those areas and make them transparent so a background image shows through. The process is far from perfect, especially when attempted by an inexperienced Photoshop user. It can leave behind telltale artifacts or jagged areas of original pixels, in this case white pixels from the original background.
As a long time user of Photoshop and Illustrator, I believe the second explanation is the likely reason there are white areas around the text and lines. It is a sloppy effort to eliminate a background.
As previously noted, the document is problematic in other ways. There are obvious text font inconsistencies, most notably in regard to the date in the "Date Accepted by Local Reg." field near the bottom of the document. The number "1" in the year "1961" is darker than the rest of the date.
The letter "e" at the end of "none" in the "Type of Occupation Outside Home During Pregnancy" is also darker and slightly slanted, which is different than the same letter elsewhere in the document, indicating it was either added later with a typewriter of computer. This letter is included in one of the layers when the PDF is imported into Adobe Illustrator.
The date and state registrar stamps at the bottom of the document also break out in separate layers, indicating they were likely added and are not part of an original document as one would expect of an official document.
Other oddities add to the mystery of the document, including "X" marks above the "Twin" and "Triplet" in "This Birth" box. As far as we know, Obama is not a twin or triplet.
Finally, the document does not contain an official imprint seal, as we see on other certificate of live birth documents (see the example from an article we posted yesterday).
Although intended to be sarcastic commentary on the "birthers," BuzzFeed has a list of most of the document's anomalies.
Now that we have established that the document is an obvious forgery, we should ask why Obama's people would release as definitive proof of his citizenship such an easily debunked fraud.
Is it possible Obama's people are so incompetent and lazy as to release a document that was torn apart soon after it was released by people who know what to look for?
Or was this obvious fraud released simply to keep the debate and the political circus sideshow going?
Obama Birth Certificate Fraud