Pink and Blue Ribbon:
Meaning: This style of ribbon is a symbol for the March of Dimes and its efforts in fighting premature births, saving babies, and finding a cure for birth defects.
Pink Ribbon :
Meaning: Most commonly associated with breast cancer awareness, this ribbon is also a symbol for birth parents, and childhood cancer awareness (alternative color: light blue)
Yellow Ribbon :
Meaning: We've all seen this symbol used to support our troops, but it is also a symbol for MIA/POW, suicide prevention, adoptive parents, amber alerts, bladder cancer, spina bifida, endometriosis, and a general symbol for hope. A yellow ribbon with a heart is used to represent the survivors left behind after a suicide.
Pale Yellow Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol of spina bifida
Red Ribbon :
Meaning: Most commonly associated with the fight against AIDS and HIV, this ribbon also is a symbol for heart disease, stroke, substance abuse, MADD, DARE, Epidermolysis Bullosa, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
Burgundy Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol of brain aneurysm, Cesarean section (worn upside down), headaches, hemangioma, vascular malformation, hospice care, multiple myeloma, William's syndrome, Thrombophilia, Antiphospholid Antibody Syndrome, and adults with disabilities
Purple Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol of pancreatic cancer, domestic violence, ADD, alzheimer's, religious tolerance, animal abuse, the victims of 9/11 including the police and firefighters, Crohn's disease and colitis, cystic fibrosis, lupus, leimyosarcoma, and fibromyalgia
Lavender Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol for general cancer awareness. It can also be a symbol for epilepsy, and rett syndrome
Periwinkle Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol of eating disorders and pulmonary hypertension
Blue Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol of drunk driving, child abuse, Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI), the victims of hurricane Katrina, dystonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), alopecia, Education, Epstein-Barr Virus, Save the Music, colon cancer (alternative ribbon color: brown), colorectal cancer (alternative ribbon color: brown), and Online Freedom of Speech Campaign, anti-tobacco - particularly anti-second hand smoke (in Canada; alternative ribbon color: brown), I Love Clean Air/ILCA Campaign (Japan),
Dark Blue Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol of arthritis, child abuse prevention, victim's rights, free speech, water quality, and water safety
Light Blue Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol of childhood cancer (alternative color: pink), prostate cancer, Trisomy 18, and scleroderma
Gemstones: (Semiprecious stones)
Blue Lace Agate, Blue Quartz
Teal Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol for ovarian, cervical, and uterine cancers as well as sexual assault, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and tsunami victims
Green Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol of childhood depression, missing children, open records for adoptees, environmental concerns, kidney cancer, tissue/organ donation, and worker and driving safety
Orange Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol of leukemia, hunger, and cultural diversity
White Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol of innocence, victims of terrorism, peace, right to life, bone cancer, adoptees, and retinal blastoma
Pearl Ribbon : (pearls a lighter shade of white)
Meaning: This color is a symbol for emphysema, lung cancer, mesothelioma, and multiple sclerosis
Black Ribbon : (ermm Black)
Meaning: This color is a symbol of mourning, melanoma, and gang prevention
Brown Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is an anti-tobacco symbol as well as a symbol of colon cancer (alternative ribbon color: blue), colorectal cancer (alternative ribbon color: blue)
Grey Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol of diabetes, asthma, and brain cancer
Silver Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol for children with disabilities, Parkinson's disease, and mental illnesses such as severe depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and anxiety disorders.
Gold Ribbon :
Meaning: This color is a symbol for childhood cancer
Jigsaw Puzzle Ribbon:
Meaning: This style of ribbon is a symbol for autism
Lace Ribbon:
Meaning: This style of ribbon is a symbol for osteoporosis
Flag Ribbon:
Meaning: This style of ribbon is a symbol for both the victims and heros of an imperial attack/kidnap. It is also a symbol of patriotism and support of our troops. In addition, it is a symbol of fireworks safety
Source from: Causekeepers.com