
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Truth about The Syrian Revolution

Escobar: Al-Qaeda agents worm into Syrian rebel army - Feb 18, 2012
The EU states are calling for creating humanitarian corridors in Syria, which some fear could open the door to foreign intervention. But Asia Times correspondent Pepe Escobar says it's already underway.

'Beijing will not tolerate US pressure on Syria' - Feb 18, 2012
Crisis-locked Syria finds itself caught between two very different diplomatic efforts. As the U.S. and its allies pile pressure on the government, Russia and China are trying to mediate a negotiated solution. One of Beijing's top diplomats is in Damascus for talks, calling on all sides to halt the violence, and work out a peace deal. The Chinese effort follows up on months of attempts by Moscow to bring the warring sides together. But the rebels refuse to negotiate, unless Assad gives up power. Violence is escalating almost daily now, with dozens reportedly killed over the past 24 hours. Political science professor Joseph Cheng says U.S. dominance in the region is forcing some world powers onto the defensive.

Battle for Mideast: Syria proxy war can make Iran bite - Feb 18, 2012
With crisis-locked Damascus feeling the squeeze from within the country and abroad, its crucial ally in the region is also feeling the strain. Experts warn that the collapse of the Syrian regime, would be a devastating blow to Iran, making Tehran extremely isolated - and compelled to act.

Gerald Celente - Russia Today - 16 February 2012 

Free Syrian Arms: US gives guns to Al-Qaeda protege - Feb 16, 2012
The conflict in Syria is intensifying and the UN is unable to agree on a solution to end the bloodshed. Meanwhile, US politicians are calling to arm opposition forces, amid suspicions the US may already be supplying weapons through its Arab allies.  In spite of the fears that providing anti-governmental rebels in Syria could lead to an irreversible escalation of the conflict and descent into civil war, US politicians are starting to put pressure on Washington.

Saudi Arabia and Qatar push for UN decision on Syria - Feb 13, 2012
Almost a week ago China and Russia vetoed a UN Security Council resolution to expel Bashar al-Assad's government. In the fear that this resolution may lead to regime change in Syria, China and Russia vetoed the notion. The vetoes didn't sit well with the remaining members of the UN Security Council and China and Russia were criticized. Many members came forward to blame the bloodshed that followed on Russia and China. Now the talks continue to find a solution to the ongoing violence and Anastasia Churkina joins us with the latest.

US selling arms to Syrian rebels? - Feb 13, 2012
After months of violence and bloodshed between anti-government rebels and Bashar al-Assad's government, many global leaders are looking for an answer to end the aggression in Syria. According to some reports, Turkey is smuggling weapons to the anti-government rebels, but the US sells arms to Turkey. Ivan Eland, senior fellow at the Independent Institute, helps us follow the arms trade trail.

Pentagon plans attack on Syria despite the UN - Feb 13, 2012
Nearly a week ago, China and Russia vetoed a UN Security Council resolution to oust the Bashar al-Assad's government. The remaining members of the UN Security Council criticized the two countries for the veto, but Russia and China fear Syria will share the same fate as Libya. Russia took matters into their own hands by offering to host peace talks between the Rebels and the Syrian government but the rebels have refused the offer. But despite the UN Security Council's failed resolution the US prepares for military actions against Syria ignoring the UN. Here is our report.

Arms Trade Hypocrisy - Feb 13, 2012 
According to some reports, the US has sold over $400 billion worth of arms to Middle-Eastern countries since the 1960s. At the same time, US officials have spoken out about their opposition to supply weapons to terrorist groups. Major purchasers of US weaponry include Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Israel, and some skeptics believe the US is supplying guns and heavy artillery to Syrian anti-government rebels. Marina Portnaya examines the role America plays in arms dealing.

'US backs Al-Qaeda to mutually destroy Syria' - Feb 12, 2012
The Arab League is mulling over what further action to take on the crisis in Syria, with reports of escalating violence. Meanwhile, the head of the group's observer mission has resigned - just as a proposal is being considered to again send monitors from the League and the UN to the country. Political analyst Dr Adel Samara says the U.S. and Al-Qaeda have similar goals in Syria.

Mossad vs Assad? 'CIA death squads behind Syria bloodbath' - Nov 21, 2011
Moscow has accused the west of stirring up tensions in the Arab world by calling for the overthrow of the Syrian regime. Russia says calls from certain states for the Syrian opposition to avoid dialogue with the government, are only provoking further violence. Author and journalist Webster Tarpley, who's in Damascus, says, it's very simple, western powers are behind the violence in Syria.

'West tries to redraw map & split Syria from Iran' - Dec 3, 2011
Syria's main opposition group has vowed to cut ties with Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas, if the current government goes. Professor Johan Galtung, the rector of the Transcend Peace University, told RT, that agenda goes very well with the regional interests of some other countries.

CrossTalk: Syria Agony - Feb 17, 2012
Is Syria slipping into a civil war? Can the international community do something to end the violence without forcing a regime change? The US happens to be on the same side with Al Qaeda in the conflict, does it mean resorting to all means in order to protect civilians? Or does it mean empowering Al Qaeda perceived as the primary enemy of the US? CrossTalking with Rami Jarrah, Kurt Werthmuller and Patrick Hayes.

CrossTalk on Syria: Victim of Conspiracy? - Jan 13, 2012 
Has Assad reached the point of no return? And who will take advantage of it? Will the opposition forces really be able to take a grip on power? Or are they too weak to defend Syria against Assad? And therefore will they continue to woo the international community? Is there a case for a no-fly zone, this time in Syria? And what are the expectations of those who spearhead military action?

CrossTalk: Syrian Series - Feb 10, 2012
Why is the Arab League so concerned about the protests in Syria? How far will the Turks go? Should the international community help the rebels, and what options does it have? Is there any way to stop violence in the country without turning it into a new Libya or Iraq? CrossTalking with James Carafano, Nick Ottens and James Morris

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